Monday, May 27, 2013

Companion: Clay Golem:

The Clay Golem is a medium companion formed by the shaping of clay and magical runes or sigils placed on its core which lays within the center, then heated. It is handy for its mobility being more smooth than that of most clockwork golems, even if it is not necessarily as durable as them. The Clay Golem is able to handle 176000 MaL degrees of heat, making it impervious to anything less, as compared to human flesh completely incinerating when exposed to 89600 MaL. These correspond to human flesh incinerating within a single turn at Level 28 heat, as every level of heat is 3200 MaL, or 50 degrees Fahrenheit. A Clay Golem if attacked with heat or otherwise set ablaze with fire will disperse the temperature, making a Level 3 Heat able to cook an egg if the golem is holding it when attacked. Interesting culinary information, but this is also useful in combat, as a Clay Golem would be capable of shielding its owner completely if they are a pixie, or disperse the heat to minimize the damage on other species. They are, however, not very durable, having low endurance and health, despite this advantage and their massive strength.

Companion: Clay Golem. This magically infused golem is made out of hardened clay and is able to carry up to eighty pounds, scout ahead for its owner, lay down traps, and utilize weapons given it by its owner, as well as withstand up to Level 28 heat, though it is very brittle.

HP: 15 / EP: 4 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 17
Reaction: 7 / Finesse: 16 / Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 13 / Willpower: 15 / Strength: 40
Speed: 10 (13 feet per second, 5 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Fire, Stone, Bone
Elemental Weaknesses: Water, Metal, Slime

Common Drops: Broken Clay, Clay Golem, Golem Core

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Charge (3 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Climb II (1 FP Each): Climb upward at 50% horizontal speed if a surface can be climbed without special equipment.

Club II (0 FP Each): 5 damage on success against armor-less targets. Uses two joined hands, a club, rock or improvised weapon as a club to strike an opponent.

Dig (1 FP Each): Digs one-sixth its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Learn (2 FP): The owner may start to teach the Clay Golem a natural ability. Each ability's learning rate and level depends on the level of the owner and the level of their connection to their Clay Golem.

Kick 2 (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Punch 3 (0 FP Each): 3 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Run (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Set Trap (1FP minimum): A Clay Golem is able to place a trap item that is demonstrated to it twice that needs 3FP or less to work.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Underwater Walk (0 FP): Technically, this golem does not and cannot swim due to its weight. However, it is very capable of walking into and under the water with the same speed it does on land.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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