Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Companion: Skull of Secrets:

Like the Brain in a Jar, the Skull of Secrets contains the knowledge of its previous owner, only in this case it contains the bound afterimage, the specter of the owner. Arcane runes and ritual bring and bind the individual to it, making the apparition able to visualize as well as make the skull have the illusion of being on fire as it floats through the air. It doesn't move very fast, but does have the advantage of being able to cast verbal spells and teach the one that bound it knowledge. Usually a Skull of Secrets is passed down from one master spell caster to another, sometimes as part of a religious ritual, and sometimes even via inheritance of a deceased master caster to his or her apprentice via permission. Other times it may be forcibly done or stolen, in which case the Skull of Secrets will be more disagreeable in general, but unable to disobey a direct command from its new owner.

Companion: Skull of Secrets: A Skull of Secrets typically tends to be a companion of a caster, or purchased from one. It is a great source of information from a deceased characters, its Intelligence, Wisdom and Willpower varying from one Skull of Secrets to another. Usually a character does not know the specific statistics of any other character or creature within the perspective of roleplay, and as such the renown and demonstrated knowledge are what adjusts the price of the Skull of Secrets and its usefulness. They tend to get nostalgic about the past, even delusional about making situations seem better than they are, or focusing on anger at the littlest thing, depending on whether they were in agreement with the binding or if it was forced upon them. Sometimes they may alternate between these two states if its current owner stole it after it was bound agreeably, or if its current owner is trying to help the Skull of Secret's spirit be put to rest if it was bound disagreeably. Due to their nature they have a lot of focus for a companion, but possibly less than when they were alive or in pure spirit form, because they have been bound to their skull after death.

HP: 12 / EP: 3 / LP: 0 / SP: 3 / FP: 35
Reaction: 1 / Finesse: 5 / Intelligence: (Varies, 18 average)
Wisdom: (Varies, 18 average) / Willpower: (Varies, 18 average) / Strength: 1
Speed: 2 (3 feet per second, 1 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Stone, Bone
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Sand

Common Drops: Skull of Secrets (owner deceased), Broken Skull

Magic Drain II (2 FP): Drains 2 FP from an opponent and feeds it to the one it is a companion to.

Focus Point (1 FP): Forms a link between itself and the one it is a companion to, expending one of its focus points to give it to its owner.

Control Body (3 FP): For the duration of 12 turns or 1 hour, a Skull of Secrets can control a headless body that previously had one as if that body were still alive by attaching itself to the body.

Extend Knowledge (2 FP): Temporarily pushes knowledge useful in a situation that it knows into the mind of its owner for fifteen minutes or three rounds of combat.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Teach (0 FP): Acts as a teacher of its level of knowledge to its owner, granting them the bonus of studying as if it had been an ordinary living teacher.

Skull Bomb (10 FP): A Skull of Secrets is hurtled either by flight or by its owner at a target where it explodes magical, dealing 24 damage before descending to the ground, unable to fly for the rest of a combat match or 3 hours, needing to be carried by its owner. It may, however, still talk and use any other non-movement ability it has enough FP remaining to utilize.

Use Sorcerer Ability (1FP + FP cost of ability): If a Skull of Secrets previously was within a sorcerer character's body, then it can use its magic abilities it knew in life that don't specify a physical body as being needed as if the skull still belonged to that living sorcerer.
Use Tinkerer Ability (1FP + FP cost of ability): If a Skull of Secrets previously was within a tinkerer character's body, then it can use its tinkerer abilities it knew in life that don't specify a physical body as being needed as if the skull still belonged to that living tinkerer.

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