Saturday, May 25, 2013

Companion: Heart in a Jar:

The Heart in a Jar may be the brunt of many dark humor jokes, but it is a very useful companion. It works both offensively and defensively, and may also be used for animating heartless bodies sometimes.

Companion: Heart in a Jar: The Heart in a Jar is another companion that usually ties to characters that take them from their enemies, but they may also be purchased and linked by more moral characters. It is able to absorb some damage dealt to its owner, as well as heal, or drain health from opponents.

HP: 13 / EP: 5 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 28
Reaction: 2 / Finesse: 5 / Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1 / Willpower: 30 / Strength: 1
Speed: 0 (0 feet per second, 0 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Water, Lightning, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Sand

Common Drops: Brain in a Jar (owner deceased), Broken Jar, Deceased Brain in a Jar

Absorb Damage (1 FP): Absorbs up to 4 Damage dealt to its owner as damage to itself per 1 FP used.

Control Body (3 FP): For the duration of 12 turns or 1 hour, a Heart in a Jar can control a heartless body that previously had one as if that body were still alive by attaching its jar to the body.

Health Drain (2 FP): Drains 3 HP from an opponent and feeds it to the one it is a companion to.

Health Sync (1 FP): Forms a link between itself and the one it is a companion to, expending one of its focus points to give +3 health to its owner. Done once at beginning of combat.

Will Boost III (1 FP Each): For one turn or fifteen minutes, the Heart in a Jar will attempt to inspire its owner and nearby allies in a radius of four movement squares, giving them a temporary +3 Willpower.

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