Thursday, May 23, 2013

Companion: Quoma Pax:

Despite the dangers to casters of regular Quoma in large numbers, some will occasionally find the blue mutation variant known as Quoma Pax and tame them to become companions, as will others wanting an edge against magical opponents. Quoma Pax happen only one out of every one-thousand Quoma, making them extremely rare outside of area with a lot of constant low-level magical activity to drive up the Quoma population, or casters doing experiments on Quoma in order to try to breed them. They are the same size as regular Quoma and share their inability to pass through glass, iron, cobalt or nickel, but are unharmed by iron unlike the regular kind, and able to phase through almost anything but those four materials. They can withstand an overload, passing out instead for a period, but do not bloat up and multiply, instead laying foci crystals.

Companion: Quoma Pax: Unlike the traditional Quoma creature, Quoma Pax are blue instead of green, slower to drain magical energy individually, and unharmed by iron, even though they still can't phase through it. Additionally, they do not bloat up in size and split into additional Quoma Pax due to their mutation, but are able to lay a miniscule foci gem after they absorb 15 FP of magical energy that is capable of holding 10 FP of magical energy. They do not explode from being overloaded with a 3 FP magical attack, instead passing out for six rounds of combat or an hour, and then being immune to overloading for the remainder of the day. As such, some casters may intentionally overload their Quoma Pax, though this usually will make the Quoma Pax bit them in return once they awaken.

HP: 12 / EP: 2 / LP: 0 / SP: 3 / FP: 11
Reaction: 22 / Finesse: 13 / Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 19 / Willpower: 18 / Strength: 6
Speed: 30 (38 feet per second, 15 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Lightning, Sand
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Bone

Common Drops: Powdered Quoma Pax, Miniscule Foci

Bite II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Gnaw (1 FP Each): Chew through glass if it is less than 10 cubic inch thick at a rate of 1 inch per hour per Quoma Pax. If it is less than 1 cubic inch thick in total, they can use their mandibles to relocate it.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Loud Buzz (0 FP Each): Their fast paced charge when in flight that attracts other Quoma to feed on a large active magical source. If any are within 1/3 miles and sound is not dampened, more Quoma will come. This applies to regular Quoma as well as Quoma Pax.

Magic Drain II (2 FP): Drains up to 2 FP from an active focus point or active spell and grows larger.

Phase (0 FP Each): Passes through almost any non-magnetic materials other than glass. Cannot pass through iron, nickel or cobalt. On phasing through an individual or other creature, it only tickles unless they are using an active spell on their body, in which case it causes 1 damage as they pass through.

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