Saturday, May 4, 2013

System Mechanics: Combat:

In MaL, there are many different ways a combat match can be influenced.  A simple thrown fist would be considered a melee attack and deal the standard damage, but one charged with magic, vibration, or a higher-power's blessing would also deal additional damage as per those modifications.  There are also modifications that deal with protection against specific types of attacks as well.  Before going into what each modifier does, first the basic attack landing formulas:

An attack lands if the attacker has Surprise and Finesse is equal to or higher than the opponent's Reaction.  If the opponent doesn't burn LP, the attack lands where aimed, or if not aimed at a specific spot in declaration, it will land where determined by a dice roll.  If the opponent burns LP, the location may be altered accordingly to minimize the location it lands, but not the total damage dealt.  This affects how injuries affect a character, not whether they are damaged or not.  If an attacker doesn't have Surprise, their Finesse must be higher than the opponent's Reaction and at least one higher finesse per speed difference.  A prepared and uninjured opponent able to move freely is better able to utilize dodging, which burns one EP if an opponent is of equal speed, but otherwise does not.  In summary:

Attack Lands if with Surprise: (1 + Finesse) >/= (Opponent Reaction).

Attack Lands without Surprise: (Speed + Finesse) > (Opponent Speed + Opponent Reaction).

Attack Land Location is: (Location Declared/Rolled) - (Opponent LP burned for location lessening).

If an attack lands, whether it deals damage or not is dependent on the power of the attack and its modifiers compared to the defense of the opponent and their modifiers as applicable to defending against that attack, and their endurance to withstand a portion of the attack.  These modifiers may come from a variety of different sources, but all boil down into being either an attack modifier or defense modifier.  If one of a character's classical element weakness is part of an attack dealt to them, it counts as an additional +1 attack modifier for the attacker, and if it is their strength it becomes an additional +1 defense modifier for the defender.  In summary:

Damage Dealt = (Basic Attack Damage + Attack Modifiers) - (Basic Defense + Defense Modifiers + (One per Defense Attempt if EP is greater than zero)).

Additionally, a character must be in range for melee attacks or limited range attacks, but more on that and attack land locations later...  For now, an example and modification of the example to show different circumstances:

Makon Rockgrinder is a male Koyette Goblin Burdener with a Reaction of 5 (7 slotted, -1 for Goblin species, -1 for Koyette race), an EP of 9 (5 slotted + 4 EP bonus), and +1 Defense Bonus.  Makon is nude-bathing in a lake protected by Quona Silverstream, a female Limnades Naiad Tinkerer.  Due to Makon being a traveler and not expecting a Naiad in this particular lake, Quona gets surprise on trying to attack him if her stealth is high enough.  Despite the -1 on stealth Naiads have, for the sake of this example she beats out Makon's observation check due to water being in his ears and his lack of intentionally seeking what he isn't expecting.  Since she has no bonuses from her race or species, it is up to her stats on if the attack lands.  For this example, Quona has slotted 9 into Finesse due to it being useful for her class and associated profession.  She intends to sneak attack with a thrown frost bomb at his back, which would deal 4 normal damage plus 3 frost damage.  Since Quona's attack is landing in this example where she declared, then it becomes a matter of its power versus Makon's defenses.  Quona's attack retains all of its power, and gains +1 for being one of Makon's classical element weaknesses.  This makes the attack power 8.  Makon isn't actively using defense, so he doesn't get to use his defense bonus this turn, but can try to burden the attack to some degree regardless.  Makon gets hit with 7 damage as he burns 1 EP to lessen it.  If it wasn't a surprise attack however, things would be different.  His Reaction being 5 is below her Finesse of 9, but if she had been aiming at his chest and he burned enough LP, he might shift his weight enough that it hit his left arm instead, plus being able to use his defenses.  If his defensive skill was up to 5 points of damage protection, then he'd receive 2 damage from the attack when it landed and would be able to attack Quona back.

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