Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Companion: Delicate Butterfly:

Certain individuals are very lighthearted and thus prefer to avoid combat whenever possible. As such, they tend to choose companions more for enjoyment of their appearance or usefulness outside of combat. The Delicate Butterfly is one such companion.

Companion: Delicate Butterfly: The Delicate Butterfly is mostly for morale boosting, but also useful as a spy or a distraction. Depending on the breed they may be quite colorful or more bland. The more brightly colored and loud it is, the more likely it is to serve as a distraction, but also makes it harder to be unnoticed when listening in for information to later tell its owner. It may also carry minute potions to drop on foes so long as they are one-half pound or less.

HP: 8 / EP: 1 / LP: 0 / SP: 3 / FP: 19
Reaction: 16 / Finesse: 22 / Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 19 / Willpower: 20 / Strength: 1/4
Speed: 40 (50 feet per second, 20 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Sand

Common Drops: Delicate Butterfly Corpse, Delicate Butterfly Wings

Distraction (2 FP Each): The Delicate Butterfly floats around a target trying to keep just out of reach in order to distract the foe. It may even land on the target but will hurry off at the slightest attempt to grab it, going at its max speed + 2 (including any other temporary boosts) within two movement spaces.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Flutter (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Repeat Message (1 FP Each): The Delicate Butterfly repeats imagery and sound of something that it has heard for its owner via a mental link when it lands on their skin.

Will Boost III (1 FP Each): For one turn or fifteen minutes, the Delicate Butterfly will attempt to inspire its owner and nearby allies in a radius of four movement squares, giving them a temporary +3 Willpower.

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