Friday, May 17, 2013

Companion: The EnigmaCube:

Certain companions benefit greatly from areas heavy with magical energy.  Others, such as The EnigmaCube, do not.  The EnigmaCube is a technological advancement that is very useful to characters that live and explore areas low in wild magic, but magical surges will cause it to fall from its flight.  Thankfully due to its design it will reboot itself after fifteen minutes or three turns if it doesn't encounter another surge during reboot, but while in reboot mode it is unable to do anything useful.  The EnigmaCube is about four inches by four inches by four inches, and very useful to Tinkerers and other characters using a lot of technology.  The EnigmaCube was originally built by the Elion Corporation for the enjoyment of its CEO's daughter.  After seeing some of the potential that it had newer versions were released into the general populace for sale and it surged across the city of its inception and further beyond, even across the universe and some even say across dimensions and realities.  They are sometimes found by individuals that have no idea of their potential and how to activate them, and as such the price ranges drastically depending on the value placed on them.  Those that know what they can do are often from societies where the market is over-saturated with them, whereas ones that don't know all of what it can do may hold less value on it for its accessed functions and more on its physical appearance.  The EnigmaCube has a multitude of different functions, some accessed by merely touching it, others by voice, and still others by wireless connection.

Companion: The EnigmaCube:  The EnigmaCube is a fascinating companion best suited for area of low wild magic, usually belonging to Tinkerers and other technologically adept characters.  It was originally designed as a toy, but its potential was realized later and mass marketing has seeded it across the universe and beyond.  Every function is available to The EnigmaCube can be unlocked if it is undamaged, but the level of unlocking depends on the knowledge of the companion.   Additionally, what functions and knowledge are added into it are depending on its previous owner, as it resets itself to remove anything from two owners ago, keeping only what its previous owner and current one has added to its knowledge.  The EnigmaCube recharges via an extra-dimensional relay link and as such will only run out of power so long as wild magic is surging every fifteen minutes or less for an excess of a year, preventing it from forming the link and draining its battery entirely.  It does not do well against getting dirt or sand into it, and it does not operate efficiently against ice attacks and cold weather, though it will not short-circuit from water.
HP: 40 /  EP: 10 / LP: 0 / SP: 3 / FP: 32Reaction: 14 / Finesse: 13 / Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 20 / Willpower: 5 / Strength: 10
Speed: 18 (23 feet per second, 9 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Metal, Bone
Elemental Weaknesses: Earth, Ice, Sand

Common Drops: The EnigmaCube (functional), The EnigmaCube (severely damaged), Microcircuitry, Scrap Metal, Elion Power Core, Nanite Capsule, The EnigmaCube Processor Unit, The EnigmaCube Memory Unit.

Crash (0 FP):  The EnigmaCube hurtles its structure into a foe of its owner, dealing 6 damage to unarmored enemies.
Distraction (2 FP):  The EnigmaCube emits a faint hum and puts forth a shifting pattern of colored light on all of its surfaces that distracts those with that have a Willpower less than 15.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge II or The EnigmaCube Knowledge I to access and using vocal command to initially unlock it.

Extra-Dimensional Storage (5 FP): One of The EnigmaCube's panels opens to reveal a hollow space with a field of stars in it.  A character that reaches into it will find that it acts as an extra-dimensional storage, carrying up to fifty pounds, though the character reaching in will only be able to find what they are seeking by touch, so it is not recommended to put anything sharp or volatile into it.  Additionally, it is devoid of any air, so it is not recommended to put anything living into it.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge V or The EnigmaCube Knowledge III to access and using wireless to initially unlock it.

Extend Knowledge (2 FP): Temporarily pushes knowledge useful in a situation that it knows into the mind of its owner for fifteen minutes or three rounds of combat.
Flight (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Float (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.
Healing Cloud (6 FP Each):  The EnigmaCube releases a cloud of nanites that heals its owner or those designated by 30 HP.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge II or The EnigmaCube Knowledge I to access and using vocal command to initially unlock it.  Requires The EnigmaCube still has a nanite capsule remaining (initially comes with 3 inside it, may have some used before its owner gets it.  Its owner can do a check on how many it has if they have The EnigmaCube Knowledge II or Elion Corporation Knowledge III.)
Hover (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.
Illumination (1 FP Each):  For a period of 15 minutes, produces enough light to brighten a radius of 20 feet to daylight levels and steadily dropping off after that at a rate of -3 illumination per 5 feet.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge I or The EnigmaCube Knowledge I to access and using touch command to initially unlock it.
Impale (1 FP Each):  The EnigmaCube has spikes come from its sides, hurtling itself at its owner's foe, dealing 9 damage to unarmored enemies.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge I or The EnigmaCube Knowledge I to access and using vocal command to initially unlock it.
Laser (5 FP Each):  The EnigmaCube has a side open to produce a laser beam.  This cutting beam is capable of cutting through low-reflective and low-refractive materials at a pace of 1 foot cubed per minute.  It may also deal 10 damage to unarmored enemies.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge IV or The EnigmaCube Knowledge IV to access and using wireless to initially unlock it.
Photon Burst (10 FP Each):  The EnigmaCube has a side open to produce a burst of light and heat that explodes on contact with solid matter.  This burst is capable of making a 5 cubic foot crater on impact against anything with a hardness less than 10 that is not shielded through non-physical means.  It may also deal 20 damage to unarmored enemies.  Requires Elion Corporation Knowledge V or The EnigmaCube Knowledge V to access and using wireless to initially unlock it.

Teach (0 FP): Acts as a teacher of its level of knowledge to its owner, granting them the bonus of studying as if it had been an ordinary living teacher.

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