Saturday, May 18, 2013

Companion: Mykra Spider:

Sometimes mutants are hideous and terrifying.  Sometimes they are to be pitied and rather harmless.  The Mykra Spider does not belong to the latter category.  These mutant spiders are the result of multiple spider species crossbreeding in polluted land for a long time, slowly becoming what they are today.  Some think that they were the result of intentional breeding for biological warfare, but this has never been conclusively proven.  Mature Female Mykra Spiders are about two inches from fang to spinnerets, but with their legs outstretched they are about four inches in radius.  Female Mykra Spiders have red horns on their back pointing out six directions, a mostly black body with a pair of blue stripes on the back.  The males are half the size and lack the red horns.  Both produce silk used in webs that are capable of holding a quarter pound per three inch long strand, making weaving them not only good for silk clothing for comfort, but also for strong rope and armor layering.  Mykra Spiders also have quarter inch fangs on the tips of their jaws capable of injecting their venom.  The venom the males inject is hallucinogenic for twelve hours on those without resistance and after six hours causes vomiting and diarrhea for the remainder of its duration.  The female, however, has necrotizing venom that causes deep gashes and starts rotting out the victim at a rate of 5 HP per turn or fifteen minutes uncured, and it only needs a few drops of its venom to cause this effect, making it difficulty for characters and creatures to build up an immunity to it.  Additionally, the Mykra will typically make nests in small tubes filled with strands of its web to keep predators out, and jump on smaller predators from above to protect their nest.  Despite how dangerous the Mykra Spiders are, they are mostly vegetarian, eating moist fruits and tomatoes, but they will also eat ants, other spiders, aphids, bees and any small predators they trap in order to keep larger predators from coming around the area.  They can be trained as pets without much difficulty if one is cautious and non-threatening, or if one gets some of the eggs away from the parents and survives long enough to start raising them.  Mykra Spiders cannot swim, however, and as such will desperately try to avoid quick-moving water if they are able.

Companion: Mykra Spider:  Mature Female Mykra Spiders are about two inches from fang to spinnerets, but with their legs outstretched they are about four inches in radius.  Female Mykra Spiders have red horns on their back pointing out six directions, a mostly black body with a pair of blue stripes on the back.  The males are half the size and lack the red horns.  Mykra spiders are very good pets as they don't usually bite their owners, but they are very protective of their nests and those that take care of them, making them very dangerous to their owner's foes.  They are, however, mostly vegetarian.

HP: 20 /  EP: 5 / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 19
Reaction: 19 / Finesse: 18 / Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 5 / Willpower: 5 / Strength: 5
Speed: 12 (15 feet per second, 6 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Slime
Elemental Weaknesses: Water, Lightning, Bone

Common Drops: Mykra Spider Corpse, Mykra Spider Fang, Male Mykra Spider Venom, Female Mykra Spider Venom, Mykra Spider Silk.

Bite II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Deals Male Mykra Spider Venom or Female Mykra Spider Venom depending on gender of the pet.  Female deals 5 damage per turn or fifteen minutes if uncured.  Male deals 1 hour (20 turns) of hallucinogenic effect and the last half hour (last 10 turns) with also vomiting and diarrhea.

Charge (3 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to four movement spaces.

Climb IV (1 FP Each):  Climb upward at 100% horizontal speed if a surface can be climbed without special equipment.

Dig II (1 FP Each):  Digs one-third its body height in a single turn.

Leap (1 FP):  The Mykra Spider leaps at a foe, allowing it to cross its running distance vertically as well as horizontally for one turn, trying to land on a foe.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Weave Web (1 FP Each): Sprays its web out  in order to lay traps out of webbing, or straight strands for making silk for its owner.

Web Attack (3 FP Each):  Sprays its web at what appears to be a foe's face,  at a distance of 3 feet horizontally and vertically in a radius of 5 inches when fully spread out at or on the foe.

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