Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Creature: Quoma

Sometimes a creature of unusual biology isn't seen as fitting to many different classifications, depending on the situation.  Quoma are one such creature, belonging to the void between the many realms originally, but due to ancient magical experiments and space-time rips into that void letting them loose, the Quoma have spread across almost every single realm to almost every planet.  Quoma are usually miniscule, being on average a third of an inch in length, and almost an inch in height due to the long tentacles dangling along their body.  They are eyeless, using their tentacles for feeling things and their heads contain a large set of mandibles about a quarter of their length which they use for chewing through certain materials at a slow rate.  Unfortunately for most casters, Quoma are attracted to active sources of magic, feeding off of them with their feelers, flying around emitting a soft buzz from the sound of their wings.  In addition to the buzzing sound betraying their approach,they also glow an emerald green almost the brightness of a candlelight.  Another trait which makes them bothersome is their extra-dimensional nature, making them capable of passing through almost any non-magnetic material, being unable to move through iron, copper or cobalt, or glass but using their mandibles to start trying to chew through or move glass if they can, as the metals themselves hurt Quoma to touch.  Their jaws are, however, unable to chew through something if they can't get their mandibles to crush it smaller than its closed state, meaning if it is more than one full cubic inch it will not be able to relocate it.  Quoma are asexual, bloating up to three inches and reproducing once they have consumed enough magic (typically enough for a 18 FP magic ability), the offspring bursting out of the original's body in a horrific mitosis, the new ones containing parental memories from the old one, and eating its remains.  Their shelled surface is like that of a beetle, shining with radiant jeweled hue spread below that emerald glow, having only two parts to the body, the head with its mandibles and magic-sensing organ, and the abdomen, having the wings and feeling tentacles.  Some individuals have had trouble killing Quoma in order to protect their active magic spells keeping out other worse creatures, others have found them to be a mere pest while studying magic, and others still keep them as pets, or using them for experiments.  As Quoma reproduce by eating magical energy, it is extremely difficult to kill them or modify them by using it unless it acts instantaneously.  Some have had success, though usually only in killing them in small numbers, because the more of them there are, the faster a spell can be drained to nothing.  As such, they wander aimlessly but when hurrying toward a source of magical energy for food, the buzz of their rapid flight may be heard by other nearby Quoma and drive them to join the feast.  Quoma can easily be hurt by iron, nickel or cobalt, but pass through other physical matter, meaning that their deaths require one of those three metals, magic overloading them faster than they can reproduce (3 FP magic ability per Quoma), or an ability that keeps them at bay while tearing them apart, such as telekinesis or the like.  Quoma in numbers are known as a swarm.  Swarms are typically twenty to thirty Quoma each, but multiple swarms may fly together if the source of magical energy is high enough.

Creature: Quoma:  An annoying pest and a curiosity, Quoma are attracted to and eat active magical energies, using them to bloat up to six hundred percent their size before splitting open into two young offspring that retain their racial memories.  They typically deal only 1 damage on touching an individual only if they are actively casting a spell on their own body, otherwise just giving a tickling sensation if passing through or brushing against them.  They are extra-dimensional beings and as such are capable of passing through most non-magnetic materials, being unable to phase through iron, nickel, cobalt and glass being a non-magnetic exception.  Those three metals hurt them to touch, but glass just simply holds them in for some unknown reason.  Quoma are drawn to their source of food, any active magical energy, reproducing if they reach 18 FP worth combined over time, but are overloaded if they are forced to absorb 3 FP worth at a single time per Quoma.  Twenty to thirty Quoma is a swarm, and typically Quoma do not gather in this or higher amounts unless there has regularly been active magical energy to draw them in and keep them reproducing, such as protective spells around crops or a city.  They can be injured by iron, nickel and cobalt if one is fast enough to hit them, or by overloading them, or attacking with a quick-acting non-physical ability such as telekinesis.

HP: 9 /  EP: 2 / LP: 0 / SP: 3 / FP: 9
Reaction: 21 / Finesse: 13 / Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 19 / Willpower: 18 / Strength: 6
Speed: 30 (38 feet per second, 15 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Lightning, Sand
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Bone

Common Drops:  Powdered Quoma, Miniscule Foci

Bite (0 FP Each): 1 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Flight (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Gnaw (1 FP Each):  Chew through glass if it is less than 10 cubic inch thick at a rate of 1 inch per hour per Quoma.  If it is less than 1 cubic inch thick in total, they can use their mandibles to relocate it.

Hover (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Loud Buzz (0 FP Each): Their fast paced charge when in flight that attracts other Quoma to feed on a large active magical source.  If any are within 1/2 miles and sound is not dampened, more Quoma will come.

Magic Drain III (2 FP): Drains up to 3 FP from an active focus point or active spell and grows larger.

Phase (0 FP Each):  Passes through almost any non-magnetic materials other than glass.  Cannot pass through iron, nickel or cobalt.  On phasing through an individual or other creature, it only tickles unless they are using an active spell on their body, in which case it causes 1 damage as they pass through.

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